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Desiree Rumbaugh

Yoga's dedicated students come to the studio for Shri's vitality. I second that. While Shri Yoga's classes are fluent, humorous and fun, they are not always easy. Phoebe and Benjamin are very gifted and experienced teachers. They are capable of helping all levels of students, from the beginner to the advanced, including those who have injuries or pain in their bodies. Come to Shri for the sweat, the fun and the playfulness and you will leave with a very healthy body and a more open heart.

喜歡來Shri Yoga的瑜珈練習者,多都是為了Shri的活力而來。我同意。Shri的瑜珈教學流暢幽默,妙趣橫生,課程並不一定容易。Phoebe和Benjamin是非常有能力又經驗豐富的老師,他們能幫助不同程度的學生,不論是初學者或是高階練習者,包括身體有傷或疼痛的。到Shir來流汗、來玩、來歡笑,你會帶著健康的身體和寬廣的心離開。

As we celebrate the opening of Shri Yoga, I am excited to be invited to this passionate and warm-hearted Taiwan city again and again. I love to share my experience of yoga and life with these eager students. Their smile from the bottom of their heart is the beauty of yoga. The experience is the signature of Shri Yoga.

正值慶祝Shri Yoga的開幕,我很興奮可以多次受邀到這個熱情又溫暖的台灣城市。我樂於與這群渴切的學生分享我的瑜伽經驗、生活。他們臉上所洋溢的衷心微笑,令人感受到瑜伽的美真是無比勝收。這就是Shri Yoga獨一無二的經驗。

Come to Shri Yoga and discover yoga in a complete way, body, mind and spirit. I look forward to seeing you all and witnessing the growth of Shri.

歡迎到Shri Yoga,發掘瑜伽最完整的身、心、靈經驗。我期待在這裡看到你們大家,一起見證這個Shri「美」的成長。